Jul 14, 2009

Dyckia Mundo

Here you see a perfect blend of the looks of both parents.
Got the color, the dentition, the underleaves and size of a Dyckia marnier Bahia
and the architecture of a Dyckia brevifolia.
a nice plant that endures the gold and humidity of the South with some of The Cerrado
Looks. I am anxious to get my eyes on the flowers.
Will them be yellow, red, orange?
How deep, which shade?
Will them open? Will them be compacted , close together in the flowers stem?
Will them be scented ?
How tall is gonna be the flower stem? How flexible?
The flowering moment is the best one in a Dyckia life.
This moment falls its last mask. The plant shows of what it really is.
...and the flower.....

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