This is the type Dyckia fosteriana native to Passo do Pupo in Paraná.
It is one of the six seeds found there in leftover of a out of season seed pod.
This was in February 2006 during our summer time and fosterianas bloom in late winter or early spring from August to October.
Dyckias fosteriana do have some varieties all native to Paraná Center East.
Dyckia fosteriana robustior grows on a high mountain close to the sea and it is bigger an much less silver scaled.
Dyckia fosteriana grow within a territory that is a leftover of a ancient Cerrado similar to the one of Central Brazil.
So, this is the look of a true Dyckia fosteriana the same plant described, the original type form.
This plant seldom sprouts and reproduction is seed made and as Dyckias are sex maniacs most of the plants we see as Dyckia fosteriana is not that. Some are not even close to.
Dyckia fosteriana are extremely beautiful plants.

This species has a heavy coat of silver/white scales
that is easily removed by heavy rain or hosing.
that is easily removed by heavy rain or hosing.
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