This is to my friends in Portugal: com as cores de vossa bandeira, recomendo-lhes
um bom Porto, um fado em Lisboa, o bacalhau de Cascaes, o Tejo, o Doiro e muito mais...

This is a reofitic Dyckia the flood waters cover this plants for weeks.
This reinvigorates the plants and brings nutrients to this plants.
Some times they stay without rain water for months. These times of flood and dryness
are not determines or subject to any season.
The Itajaí-açu River Valley is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
The we have many important cities and towns in Santa Catarina: Itajaí, Blumenau, Rio do Sul...
This is my Home in Brazil.
Come to see it, you will love here...
November 17th we will have the most important Brazilian orchids show:
The 71th Festa das Flores de Joinville
We will have Dyckias in the Show.
Brazil is not that far...just a nap and two dreams away.
Obrigada pela homenagem/lembrança. São lindas, todas elas. Seria maravilhoso comer o bacalhau e saborear os vinhos com estas beldades (e vocês) como companhia. Seria perfeito! Abraços, Teresa