Sep 5, 2024

What are Dyckias for?

 This question demands several extra long answers and and one more quetion:
Dyckias in nature or Dyckias under cultivation?

A) In nature they turn a hostile to trees "soil" into a favorable ambient to them to thrive and develop. In nature all Dyckias are suicidal plants for as the trees prosper they shadow the Dyckias and Dyckias are all sun lover plants. They more than fade in shadows they perish.

B) Under cultivation in our homes and gardens they are not preserved!!! The only preservation a Dyckia has is in nature where it faces the elements they are made for.

Ok. one needs large knowledge to understand this and get to know he or she is not preserving a plant keepíng it under his or her care.
If not in nature,
 Dyckias are for the eyes and brains!

Dyckia fosteriana and a wonderful brevifolia and reitzii hybrid,
...for the eyes sake!

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