Sep 16, 2024

Growing together and living together. Beauties or just rarities. No species.

 I like big ceramic shallow bowls, basins. Within them I grow dreams. Hybrid plants, unique, only ones in this entire little blue world we call Home. They grow and they bloom and produce their own beauties. I love to keep they the way they like love and enjoy living. I think that is Dyckias for when under cultivation, to please my eyes.

Ok, they teach me too and they do it every day. Each day I learn a bit nd eventually a lot too.

I showed them here already but let us tell their heritage as I promised.

- Dyckia hb Constantino Gastaldi. It is the one to the left and its father is a Dyckia fosteriana from the Sengés group while the mother plant is a Bill Baker hybrid Dyckia hb Brittle Star.

-The sparkling white beauty to the right is a Dyckia delicata white and Dyckia Brittle Star cross.

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