Sep 3, 2024

Dyckia brevifolia var. subidensis most charming one

 Perfection is here. A small sturdy colorful fatty crown:

We do not find this in any other Dyckia species

Subida is a very beautiful place along side Rio Itajaí-açu in Santa Catarina. Here the mighty river goes abruptly down the mountain and we find many white water rocky sites. Those are the places Dyckia brevifolia choose to grow and call them home.
Yes, not only brevifolia call it home, me too.
I love the river, the place...every little bit of it reminds me of my youth and childhood.
 Subida meas climbing ´cause it is the beginning of a famous climbing used to e made by a railroad.
I remember watching the river going down the mountain while my mother and me  were in a train going up to my birth down Rio do Sul.
The train  used vapor to run and passed on bridges, tunnels and curves that made me panic.
I am 70yo and I can describe every centimeter of those trips up and dorn the hills.
Brevifolia is a reophytic plant.

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