Sep 15, 2024

Dyckia neo-jonesiana

Dyckia neo-jonesiana can be found in green, red, white and all te shades in between .

It honors my friend Dr. Jones Caldas.

Dyckia pseudodelicata rubra under rain

Notice the leaves are also dehydrated do to recent transplantation and clump separation.

This plant is still in the process of producing new roots hence the corrugated surface of leaves.
You can spot out some leaf mechanical damages in it.

Another point in these picture one observer may notice the crown is still adapting to the new position.  It is not  harmonious yet.


Dyckia strehliana a reophytic plant

Leaf edges are toothless, glabrous. Leaves are smooth except for the apical spine.

Look there, we shall have flowers.

Sep 14, 2024

Dyckia strehlloa a natural hybrid: Dyckia strehliana and Dyckia selloa


Dyckia sp Morro Dom Bosco. Apiúna-SC Brazil


A stroll in the park with friends. Parque dos Hemerocallis - Joinville-SC -Brazil


Dr. Jones Caldas on my right and the park owner Senhor Dário Berger on my left.
Let us see some colors in a peaceful place and good fellows company in my town here in Brazil.
Joinville - Santa Catarina - Brazil.

Dário and his koi fish.

SunPatiens a man made selection of  Impatien plants that love sun exposition  and a drier substrate. Huge colorful flowers that last days in a roll.

A man made beauty.

We fed our eyes and souls and I thought of you.

Thank you.


Dyckia pseudodelicata white a gift from Dr. Jonas Caldas

This marvel just came to me from the hands of my good friend doctor and botanist Dr. Jones Caldas.
 I already have the reddish one.


Dyckia reitzii

The one who described Dyckia reitzii was Father Raulino Reitz, a catholic priest and a notorious botanist from Santa Catarina , Brazil.
He used a plant from Campo dos Padres and  that plant had yellow petals.
Petal color is not determinant to recognize a Dyckia species.

Petals and bracteas are still there with seed pods already swollen