Mar 3, 2009

Homeless Queens!

The Homeless Queens
Dyckia lindelvaldeae - Their Palace cracked into pieces

Yesterday, the temperatures hit a record mark here in Northeastern Santa Catarina, Brazil. the mark touched the 45 degrees Centigrade with 99% of humidity in the air. The sensation was 53 degrees Centigrade. this is melting in Dante´s inferno. At the end of the day a windy thunder storm caused some injures to my garden. Nothing that some new pottery can not rescue,save and solve . But the wind left me with no energy till midnight. That was when the real thing begun. Imagine more than 40 degrees centigrade and no energy. No light, no air conditioner, no sound, TV, reading...and in spite of everything This morning I had to deal with this TWO HOMELESS QUEEN. Their palace blown with the wind and by miracle they are in perfect conditions, like they had just a bad dream..a nightmare.

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