Mar 3, 2009

Dyckia lindelvaldeae - that´s a true Dream Dyckia for sure!

Even the green one gets a new look by Her majesty side.
Here a Dyckia brevifolia ( a hint of it), a Dyckia fosteriana and in the background one magnificent Dyckia Marnier. No, not the one you see, no Sir! That is a king Dyckia marnier from Goiás. (...and as He is a King here you are allowed to see just the undies, OK?)
The star here is Dyckia lindelvaldeae.

Yesterday Her Majesty faced the storm of her life and here it is...
(Just shaked the feathers, as a bird.)
Water, wind and thanks God no ice cubes (hail). This would destroy it.
All Dyckias are much to sensible to hail even if mild. The got horrible marks all over. It is too much too risky to maintain Dyckias in open skies as I am doing.

Here she is sharing room.....a royal maid.

Here she is just ordering...ordering the Sun to Shine and shine bright...
Dyckias, baby, are extreme sun lovers... there is no too much.
Imagine 45 degrees centigrade in shadowed place...and dyckias were vibrating...

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