Jul 18, 2024

Dyckia sulcata

This wonderful rare and rarely seen Dyckia  thrives in nature  in the Brazilian state of Bahia.
It grows on rocky terrain. Several hints are peculiar to this plant.
-  Leaves have just one point sharp spine only. There is no spine on the edges of the leaves.
- The leaf point is very characteristic as the line edges fold over themselves to form the accute terminal aculeum, This we see only on sulcatas and reitzii plants.
-  Leaves are very very succulent. This allows the plant to survive long periods without rains.
-  The Dyckia lines are clearly visible. Those are reinforcement lines giving the plant a sturdy structure.
Flowers are orange and seeds are very large,  They ae amid the biggest seeds in a Dyckia.
- The plant emites up to four  flower stalks in a time.
There is a stunning beautiful completely white version also found in the very same area. I shall publish some pictures soon.

I have some seeds.
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