May 22, 2012

Dyckia encholirioides var. spinosissima

Dyckia encholirioides var. spinosissima


How old?
Very old!

Dyckias are forever..they do not need to die so they live on and on ...

Dyckias are always prune to surprise us all.
They are more they we can wonder, they are  bigger than we imagine, they are smaller than we  can think they are  and above all they are much more diverse than those  we are used to... but all and every one  are simply dazzling gorgeous as they defy passing time as they dare to live close to forever.
This  one is most probably older than me and you altogether.
It once was living close to the South  Atlantic Ocean and the tempest waves disrupted its sand bank dislodging it and  putting it into the reach of the waves...
I found it  being carried by the ocean sea weaves, all leaves destroyed, just the trunk and the roots.
I took the two of them home and wash the salt water from them and let them rest and in less than two weeks they proved to be alive and happy...wishing to live forever...
For how long do they stay there coming and going  with the waves waiting for a miracle?
For how long did they live on that  sand bank by the sea? How many starry nights? How many morning frosts did they take?
Do they still recognize the sounds of the sea?  Do they miss the salty  mist, the sea spray?
Who are going to take care of them when I´ll no longer be here?
Who is going to admire their  gorgeous blooming, will the  insects still be attracted to them?
The future is not ours to see but we can take some measures to make it  a good one.
This is charity and the best of it: to care for those we do not even know to exist, those who do not exist yet.
This knowing, this recognition, this acting are something that make us all special and indispensable  beings.
..and while I am able to feel this way life is worth living...
 I hug you my blog viewer...



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