Apr 22, 2010

April 22nd 1500 Brazil is descoverdby the Europeans

This macaw is a Brazilian symbol as it bears the Brazilian flag colors:
Blue, yellow,Green,white and black ( there are black letters on it).
Our macaws are getting much more frequently seen today.
Our Amazon is proving to be possible without being destroyed.
Fantastic intire indian populations still live in there without any white-faced contact.
Imagine what  went into the minds of  the lost Portuguese flee sailors
when they met our nude indians and our macaws?
First thing they did was to lift a cross. What passed into the indians´ mind?
Why not a school instead of a church?
Differently from what happed in the United States of America, here the Europeans came to
take. The entire South America  was victim of these takers, rapers and ignorant minds!
All the richness ended up in England as Portugal nor Spain had ways to build hammers, nails, any device, fabrics....
Everything was set here in favor of the Catholic Curch and Portugal.
That still explains the today´s day in Brazil.
All the errors and crimes were forgiven by the Catholic Church as worst errors and worst mistakes were commited by the Church itself.
Here was not a land of freedom where settlers were anxious to lead a new life, no, here was an inferno just the adventurers would dare to go.
Historically the best friend of Brazil was Napoleaon. The Portuguese king was trembling in terror from head to toes and had to leave for Brazil.
From this moment on we had some real development but the concept of he Catholic forgiveness continues up to this very day. No matter what you do  if you deal with the Church, heavens are there for you.
In 1961 The Church sold do my mother, a widow at that time, a chair in heaven. She had not much money so they mamaged to sell her a stool. What about her ten children? Shall they stool dance?
Rome was out of money so they made this campain.
This was not in 1500, no! This was in 1961!!!!
Those who could not afford at least one chair in Heaven felt very upset, threatened and
sure to find room in hell.
In Brazil freedom was always a luxury article and this alone explains my Country today.
I do think even the idea of country is a bad thing. We are one! We are all neighbours, we are all the same. We have just one home: Earth.
The only thing to burn is the ignorance, the lack of knowing...and we burn it with schools!

This bird was pictured in a friend´s farm in Mato Grosso.
the bird is very tame but even so a wild one.
She is there leading a good life full of fruits and nuts.

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