Mar 15, 2010

Why do Dyckias bow?

Sooner or later all Dyckias bow, why?
Once in a pot Dyckias as any other plant are subject of constant changing  in their position.
Plants in nature do not keep on moving around... but they bow.
If you frequently move your Dyckia from one place or position to the other the plant will diminish its development speed. The plant slow down  its growth on the atempt to adapt itself to its new reallity. This is totally unnatural for a plant and we should avoid it unless we intentionally plain an answer that fulfills our intentions as for maintaining the plant in an uprighted position. This is ususlly made by orchid lovers to force a nicer looking shape for an orchid plant.
Dyckias are extreme Sun adorers and they will look for a more favorable position to catch the most it can from its lover, the Sun. They are just like parabolic antennas to get all they can from the Sun.
All and every the anatonic and physiological apparatus are designed for playing with the Sun.
Here in nature,(Southern hemisphere) Dyckias are normally turned to North, Northeast and Northwest but always North.
Dyckias bowl in a reverence to their lover, The Sun.
They this way show they appraisal and submission to their Amon-Ra.

Bowing Dyckias prevent any water to be clogged inside its crown. That would be lethal to it.
The position also favor air circulation amaong the leaves as air brings nutrition to the plant.
Dyckias feed by the stomata on the underside face of the leaves.
the most important aspect or rreason seems to be related to nutrition. The plants may depend entirely  on this kind of feeding specially when their root system is dried by a long lasting drought period.
In order to feed throught the stomatas the air around the under side of the leaves must be slightely
coler than the leaves. This way the umidity condensed on the leaf surface will allow the plant to feed ont the nutritional tiny particles the air may bring.
Dyckias are quite intriguing plants, indeed and we has just began to understant them.
In nature it is all for a reason.....

These Dyckias here are  Dyckia delicata, a queen from the South.

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