Dec 28, 2009

Dyckia marnier-lapostollei from Bahia

Dyckia marnier-lapostolei
from Bahia
Dyckia marnier-lapostolei has a vast territory within Central Brazil Cerrado.
The populations are always small and well scattered and the individuls on each population
may present peculiarities not found in others. Dyckia marnier-lapostolei should not be taken as
a single Dyckia species but a big Dyckia Complex evolving many regional types and forms
we begun to take as varieties. It is not rare to find texts affirming there is no Dyckia marnier in Southwest Bahia
but we have reports on Dyckia marnier-lapostollei to exist even in Mato Grosso close to the border to Goiás.
All in all Dyckia marnier-lapostollei was reported in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Federal District of Brasília and Mato Grosso.
It is for sure one of the most wide spread Brazilian species.
The Bahia type is one of the most beautiful and harmonic arranged one.
Every member of this Comples is rare and under the risk of extintion by cattle raising,
agriculture, urban expantion, collect and the plant itself somehow and weird enoug seems to
have got to an end as a species. Some Dyckias in wilderness show clear signs of giving up living exausted and beaten by the ages as their time has already gone away.
Study here is much more than just classifying a plant but coming to know its past, observing it present and  viewing it future as well.

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