Jul 2, 2009

Dyckia Mundo

Dyckia Mundo
Yes this is a hybrid . The second name or the name of the species is never written with a capital letter unless it is a hybrid and also the name is not necessary Latin or Latinezed. The word Mundo here is a Portuguese word for world and honors a Yahoo Group where I met some new good friends.
Here North and South met.Dyckia marnier-lapostollei from Bahia up North in Brazil and Dyckia brevifolia Isabel from South.
Look at it. One would swear it has some Dyckia platyphylla blood here but there is not. The plant is getting dark and what a lovely coloration!

If you pay attention to the pictures here you will see characteristics from both parent plants.
The spination is the one from Marnier with little changes. The leaf shape is the one from the brevifolia. It is a young adult and I do not know the flowers but we will see them soon.
Yellow? Red? Maybe orange, orange is the most probable ´cause it is a shade in between.
It is preparing one flower stalk, see there.
It is a harsh to touch plant, hard and succulent.
Also it can stand open skies without getting ugly its scales are not loose and also this baby can tolerate easily our Southern humidity.
Here Dyckia marnier are prune to fungi attacks and they rot promptly unless protected
from continuous rain and humidity.
Just wondering but following this line of thinking what about crossing bach this plant with its
marnier mother? Hummm...would the siblings be richer scaled and continue to be humidity resistant?

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