Jul 2, 2009

Dyckia matogrossensis

Yes this is a species. It is Native to Mato Grosso as its name indicates.
This name is something to discuss for science seem to have stepped back or changed idea
once more. this is common in Dyckias or in science with Dyckias. Once in a while science comes up with such kind of pearl. I think this is great. Proof science is not that ready, finished thing we thought it was. Let us pray science changes its mind in other ways concerning to Dyckias.
Change this horrendous name Dyckia for the one the existed long before Columbus had set sail to the already very well known land of America.
Here these plants are known as gravatás.
One day we will see thios science getting back once more, back to the right sense...
Gravatá is a native Indian name and refers to the pineapple like plants or plants full of spines.
These people were far more clever than we supposed.
It is time to regret and get back....

Gravata matogrossensis
Hummm...much better!

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