Jul 2, 2009

Dyckia estevesii - guessings?

The upper picture shows a plant that once was told to be a hybrid.
The lower picture shows a plant said to be self infertile.
We use to say when two fan type plants bloomed and nothing was produced that they were infertile ´cause they came from the very same mother plant so they are in fact the very same plant clones and this species is self infertile. That everybody concluded.
What did we get here?
Many things or many new things.
The fan plant seem to be infertile in any way.
The spiral plant is ever fertile! Ever self fertile!
They live together in nature in more intimacy you may wonder.
They are so close to each other they are the same thing, the very same thing.
They are so much the so very same thing that the spiral form produces fan form plants.
They are not just the same thing but the fan form is the variety and the spiral form the species.
Yes they have many masks
This one just finishing dropping.
Humm we have to visit these fascinated and alluring plants in their home.
Once there we may admire the landscape and the plants in its intimacy.
The time plants went to Europe by sailboats named Caravels is over.
No one could taxonomic say who was who here and funny names appeared.
Dyckia is one of them, funny, weird, odd and not acceptable.
We had a name for these plants long before Columbus set sails to Jamaica.
The time to send plants to Europe to be classified is over long ago and there is no need at all.
Taxonomists at that time had their buns well seated and preserved in comfortable European offices, no mosquitoes, no white water to cross, no snakes to kill, no fever to get, no native guy to deal...no Indiana Jones. Hence Dyckia!
The vast majority of our native plants has names impossible to be spelled by a common Brazilian soul. German and English latinized names are everywhere and they turned even more weird when latinized they turn to be weird even to the German and English guys.
This miracle science produced.
These weird names honor almost everything from the scientists and bushmen to their relative and not so relative ones and lovers from particular doctors to maids and I dare to think some loved dog or maybe yet a parakeet.
They speak in eternized names without get rose faced as it was a perfectly acceptable thing as there was not a better decision.
This case, this case here.......hummmm
Let me ask you something:
What do you think it is going to be eternized in this case?
Hummm...humans, humans we are all humans after all...

Dyckia estevesii

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