Jul 7, 2009

Dyckia brevifolia

Dyckia brevifolia

Here you can clearly see the result of dividing head on a Dyckia.
Dividing heads is a way they find to cope with stagnant water into the crown. This would certainly be extremely dangerous to a Dyckia plant. Divided heads into two, three or four heads is a way to incline standed up crowns. Inclined crowns or heads do not hold any water and also propitiate a better leaf feeding. Leaf feeding is crucial to a Dyckia and the wind must bring the precious elements to the under faces of the leaves. So dividing crowns has two very well defined proposals to save the plant from water getting trapped amid leave pits and feeding. In some cases it is a way to vegetative reproducing.
Some Dyckia behaviors must be well understood by the Dyckia keepers or Dyckia lovers.
First we must understand we are not keeping a simple, ordinary plant.
Dyckias are living messages from a past long ago lost.
Their time seems to be going away and this gets clear when you observe these plants in their native environment. Clustering is not a way to cope with the environment but a way to literally survive.
Dyckias are greater plants than you might wonder!

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