Mar 4, 2009

...a place to be called Home.

Just planted pottery basin.
Dyckias must have room at their disposal to be good looking.
They easily get dwarfed in confined rooms.
These are Dyckia grandidentata, the new jewels from Mato Grosso.
You can see some seedlings of it too.
Let us follow how and why this "home" was built:

Provide room for your Dyckia.
Dyckias have a huge root apparatus, a strong network that reach every hidden point searching for food.
Roots enjoy to hug all the drain material where they breath and feed on nutrients washed from the substrate above.
There they find air, humidity and the freshness they need as a refuge place in those torrid hot days...( Now imagine small black plastic pots...getting the sun of yesterday..when the therm sensation was above the fifties degrees centigrade in shade.)

Drainage is the main focus here. Dyckias take rain, they love it but they need plenty of drainage. The water may not take long to follow its destiny. Pottery is the finest choice, porous, natural, recyclable up the end...

Substrate must be aerated, light, nutritious, organic, acid.
Acidity is crucial for the Dyckia development. Watch out your water. If you use naturally acidified water Dyckias will applaud you. Peat is an excellent material to safely acidify the water.
Tap water may be the very reason for one Dyckia not to succeed. The acid substrate and a basic water built up salts that little by little remove all the good looking characteristics of a plant.

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