Mar 4, 2009

Dyckias from the Dyckia hebdingii complex

Dyckia domfeicanensis and the little perfection Dyckia hebdingii
related neighbours.
Similar but no equal.
The first one is bigger while later is much smaller and blue hued.

Above and below Dyckia ebdingii

Here below the biggest from the Dyckia hebdingii complex.
Is it already named? It is not for me to know, It is going to take a while
to get to know this.
This one is about blooming.

Below you will see three pictures with Dyckia hebdingii grandis.
This is a superb plant.

This Dyckia area should be better studied and understood to preserv it or better use it. Large plantations of strange trees, pinus and eucalyptus, for timber and paper making and also trees to produce tannin for the leather cure, acacia, as well as ignorance and cattle raising all get this plants into perish and endangerment.
But what would survive to the night of not knowing?
Darkness, true darkness!
Let us put it on the table to illuminate to brighten minds.

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