May 8, 2020

..and I do not get tired nor bored from showing the showy, the beautitful, the breathtaking good looking....

Ok, most probably this is a new one species and a Dyckia hebdingii related one.
here I show it sharing home witha a Dybia delicata type form.

I like the view, the togetherness... the composition...

A garden needs to play a reason, a season, a song for one's heart and soul.
The sound here is of classic music sent from  distant violins 
and oboes.
A fine garden is just like a symphony, sometimes the metals shine, other times the stings or the whistling and the blowing, the piano is always there.
A garden is a cathedral I talk to God. Lately, I´ve been in my garden more asking than offering and
what I ask is a miracle, My wife Raquel´s health.
God, please... take my hand. Let us have a stroll in my garden...


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