May 8, 2020

A bit of thinking, showing and telling on Dyckias

These are two well-related seedlings growing well close together to better show them.
Both are hybrids and both complex ones for they include more than two different species.
Let us see:
The white one is mothered by a Dyckia fosteriana/Dyckia goehringii hybrid and the father plant is a Dyckia pectinata.
The grey one is the exact opposite: a Dyckia pectinata as mother and the pollen donator was a  Dyckia fosteriana/Dyckia goehringii hybrid

Here we see a hybrid but all the experts would bet this is a genuine pure strain Dyckia pectinata but it is not. It has  fosteriana and goehringii genes

I am curious to see their flowers, in less than a year I think they will show their flowers.
Yes, the plant on the left bears soft rubbery thorns.

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