Sep 14, 2015

New dyckia species from West in Brazil.

Yes, brand new and never seen before.
Brazil owns the largest biodiversity on Earth and  we have human beings that never made contact with the "civilized" man. Yes we do have them in central Amazonian lands.
Dyckias? We know less than half what exists. We have places  no one has never being before. Mountain tops, hidden valleys, vast forested areas.
We have no ice fields, no deserts this makes Brazil the largest viable continuous territory on Earth where life prosper year finfing new Dyckia species is nothing compared to never seen human beings and primates. Brazil, this is where I live, my home... and nothing like home.
I thank you for coming here to this Blog and learning  a bit  more on Dyckias.
Learning is the clue to a better living.
Light, Dyckias adore it and Light is what we all get when we learn.

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