Mar 12, 2010

Dyckia delicata one of the most beautiful Brazilian plants.

Dyckia delicata some new looks of the very same plant.
In its habitat Dyckia delicata presents some clear phenotype differences. The rubra form is clear seen and  another  one somewhat yellowish looking too. The deep silvered forms are easely distinguished form the others. The population lives well above the area from where most plants come. This acessible (and even so extremely difficult one.) plants are fallen individuals from the original population well higher above these reacheble plane descend the vertical cliff with the use of ropes and two experencised rappel practicioners from Santa Catarina.
The plant lives in a valley with a small mountain creek. This valley has three separated mountains and the other two of them also revealed to bear populations of this Dyckia species. Individual from one mountain to the other present differences well noticed.
We can here see some of these quite noticiable  differences:
Wow!  pictures and I didn´t show all.....but most of for sure.

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