Mar 10, 2010

Dyckia goehringii by night.
This fantastic plant is a bit troublesome in other to produce true seeds.
It is a so called self unfertile. This means it is not capable of producing fertile seeds by its own alone. It needs another plant. This another plant must not be a clone of its own but a same species of other origin for true species seed prodution or any other Dyckia species in case of hybrids to be wanted.
It hybridizes readily. This is one of the most gorgeous plants I ever saw and a very complicated one to produce its own seeds.
Some of the Cerrado Dyckia species have this problem and they are quite difficult to reproduce. If you have just one single plant, no matter how may clones you made you have nothing in terms of  reproduction by seeds. Happily the plant clones easely but its clones take ages to be ready to live by themselves. If you distach them too soon from the mother plant they won´t survive no matter what you do. You must wait till they have their own roots and this in this case seems to take ages... 

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