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Dyckias...These creatures of the Light are mostly Brazilian. Many of them are still to be seen by the very first time. Come on in. Let us see some. This Blog was created to show you the plants in my garden and also help you to keep happier Dyckias. This is the beginning of the book:THE ALLURING DYCKIAS. I may share some seeds with you. This way we help Dyckias to be known, understood and cherished. Email me at: Constantino Gastaldi -Brazil ... 55-47-3425-8085
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Thi plant is still recovering, imagine it some months ahead from today. Gorgeous indeed.
Above, in a dried sun caught moment.
Below, the very same plant wet by the pouring rain.
Above, can you see the flower stalk being made?
Seeds, I dream of those.
One of my dogs step on it too.
...consequently some differences appear and also some natural hybrids. Let us see some of these spectacular plants.
This lives in Barão do Triunfo on the lands of Senhor Nenê and Maria Garcia. He died a few years ago.
There we can find the most beautiful Dyckia hebdingii of all.
Lajeado Roxo variety
Those tht grows by themselves amid or in Dyckia pots .
Very little is known about this small beauty.
Maybe it appeared in US.
Variegation in a DNA disturbance that comes up very once in a while.
Some chemicals is said to trigger this and has being used with many different ornamental plants
in Southeast Asia. The truth is the more seeds one sows the bigger are the chances for him to get a different looking plant.
Some variegated plants transfer that characteristic to its seedling but the majority of the variegated ones tries to ban that and turn to normal looking. The plant see this as an anomaly that mus be eliminated
Here we can see seeds a
I spreadon top of the substrate.
Seeds are already swollen after less than 24 hours.
Warm humid Summer days help germination.
Growing together, living together ... just like that pretty Burt Bacharat song...
Yes, a sight to behold forever.
We are deeply inexperienced when concerning to this lovely looking Encholirium. Here, everything is new, never seen before.
Small, green, light white scale not well covered, dark curved spines and leaves are bent downwardly.