Nov 20, 2018

Dyckia pampeana first ever shown blooming plant

This is a dwarf tiny Southern species.
It was numerous but they were grazed by sheep almost to the last one.
some were found within, rot wood fence posts were lambs could not set their tongues in.
The plant is a recent description. It was described by a friend in South, the young brilliant botanist Dr. Henrique Mallmann. This species has several looks, yes several. Dyckias of a very same species presents different looking faces. This led to many mistakes and many scientists were convinced every new look was a different species. Dyckias are in a great deal of suffering and playing their last cards. Dyckia role in nature is to bring substrate to trees and form forests. once the forest is settled Dyckias extinguishes and while this does not happen Dyckias present new looks.

Dr. Henrique is a brilliant mind in Brazil, he was born amid Dyckias in Rio Grande do Sul.
He is working in two of our Southern major Universities, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Flowers are just a very few per stalk and the slender stalk bends with the seed capsules weight.

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