Jul 3, 2016

Dyckia hebdingii var. arco-íris

Dyckia hebdingii var. arco-íris

Arci-íris is Portuguese for rainbow. 
It is a kind of variegation, an extremely beautiful one and even more rarer one. 
It can be found in any Dyckia species.
This singular plant was found by Djenes Dalfovo and me in Dyckia hebdingii habitat in 2013. 
It was a very small inconspicuous  seedling with no yellow but just a rosed area.
It is a true variegation and may be passed through seeds is the flower stalks comes out from the variegation zone of the plant. 
The plants that present such an incredible color are normally multiplied just by head divisions and if the head division occurs including the variegated portion of the plant.  
 this particular plant is today in Djenes Dalfovo garden and it never set any variegated sprout nor head division.

This plant is for sure one most spectacular one.
People who love variegated plants simply adore this one for  it present all the rainbow colors.
Some arco-íris present pure white instead of yellow or rose and pinkish and no yellow.
As time passe by we find more and more of these rare plants as plant lovers sow many seeds and give chance for those beauties to appear.
We saw a white for a arco-íris on a delicada plant in Taiwan. it came from seeds I sent to there.
It is a case of lucky strike as this phenomenon appears only by chance.
Yes arco-íris is a true variegation and it is a perennial one.

These pictures we see here I took in November 2014 in my garden.
They are very famous.
the below picture is the one I like the most.

I am re-editing these pictures for we are bound to climb a mountain to find
a Dyckia monticola var. arco-íris and believe
they make an entire population (some 12 individuals) of arco-íris plants.
 More can be found around and we are bound to see that.
Pictures will be shown here.


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