Jul 9, 2013

Dyckia goehringii, why this here is not any drab looking nor dull


This is what I mean when I say: taking the collector´s eyes to the rock fields.
We see the best looking individual.
We  pass the drab, dull looking one which in most of the cases are the commonest and the majority.
What interests the scientific ey
es and mind is exactely the opposing.
Another point and most importan: Dyckia samples were mostly taken by "mateiros" or bushmen.
They were mostly interrested in cacti, orchids and Dyckias were something hard to take from the rocks, they had fiercing spines and interressed to just a very few. Many of the Dyckia species were described from "mateiros" samplings. Some describers never left their confortable offices of Europe and US.
This was quite normal and acceptable and worst yet accepted by all.
It was believed, until close to today, all individual, all members of a same species looked absolutly equal.No way!
There are differences! These differences are the species thicket to survival.
Any population of the very same individuals is prune to extintion for a population, a species, must have an answer for the changes and challenges of their environment!
We´ve only just began to understand Dyckias!


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