Jan 1, 2012

Dyckia sp magnifica. Yes, species!!

Dyckia magnifica is native to Santa Catarina and it is under the process of description.
Today description s must be  much more careful done
to avoid much of the many errors we find in old descriptions.

...now blooming by the second time  under cultivation. 
The first time it bloomed I pollinated magnifica flowers
with  delicata rubra pollen to give rise to Dyckia hb Liz Taylor.
I still keep some of those seeds under refrigeration...do you want them?


  1. Someday will you post a procedure using pictures on how to identify when seeds are ready to collect, how to collect them, the best way to store them, and the best way to germinate them? There are many beginners like me that would like to learn from the expert...YOU.

  2. Niceidea but I already did that..maybe I should make it over. Thanks.
