Feb 21, 2011

Color, vigor and Dyckia companion and fascination

In my opinion and under the eyes of mine...nothing rivals to the fascinating 
Dyckia brevifolia Var. Golden Glow..a topmost beautiful man made one.
It is fascination...I know...

All man made plants but the Orthophythum leprosum here.
This is bettering.
Below Dyckia Icicle and a red Hybrid  Ortho. I do not even know the name...
Who does? Both human masterpieces...deserve a museum...a living one.

Orthophythum...they are all Brazilian
They are endemic to my place.
some went out and returned fancier than
ou nature could have made...beautiful...
Perfect Dyckia companions...


  1. SHowing Dyckias in way and contrasts I never thought of. Every variation for every creative combination. Really striking!

  2. Dyckias may allow us some intrusions to colors indeed. Here it is just a possibility mention but we can be creative. Inlandscaping by the Sun we can create colorful carpets.
