Apr 29, 2016

Dyckia hb Brittle Star the sublime beauty of the classic Dyckia hybrids is packing, bound to live far away from me.......

 Dyckia hb Brittle Star
One of the most spectacular hybrid Dyckia. 

One of the most spectacular hybrid Dyckias and also one of the most saught after for it never sprouts.
In order to multiply it one must rely on  crown divisions.
This magnificent beauty was divided, separated from its clump a bit more than a year ago.
Today it will pack and leave my garden.
It will live far far away from me, so far away just the Moon is farer. 
This makes me happy, I only wished to be the eyes of the unpacking guy the moment this  explendor of the explendor arrives.......thank to Bill Baker and  Steve Ball.
The plant belonged to:
1-Bill Baker, his creator in Encino, California
2- Steve Ball in Encino, California
3- Constantino Gastaldi - Joinville, Brazil
4-  ..........................................( to be completed soon.)

Apr 27, 2016

Dyckia goehringii

Specially for those who love the white and the big thorns.

Dyckia sp from Apiúna-SC, found in nature by Wilson Müeller and me.

New, extremely rare, beautiful  species!
The provisory name is Dyckia sp apiunensis.
The access to the plants in nature  needs a skilled climber
The plants live on a vertical granitic rock downtown Apiúna in Santa Catarina.

Apr 25, 2016

Dyckia delicata, always a breathtaking beauty

Dyckia irmgardeae

This is a southern Brazilian species. It lives uphill in North Rio Grande do Sul.
It is used to  deep cold down to -10°C!

Dyckia fosteriana and its golden company

Dyckia estevesii and its golden company

Dyckia choristaminea var. Morro do Carvão-RS

The narrowest leaves  in a Dyckia belong to this beauty.


Dyckia pampeana the smallest Dyckia on Earth

Apr 24, 2016

Dyckia reitzii var.Fronteira, when the rare gets even rarer

Dyckia hb Brittle Star, Bill Baker´s master piece!

Dyckia braunii, Encholirium horridum and a Duvallo (a rare local butterfly)

a rare moment......


the extraordinary beautiful and rara Dyckia goehringii var. lemei

Yes! Dyckia goehringii.
We just learned A dyckia species may present  regional differences, 
some are really stunning beautiful.


Dyckia sp from Minas Gerais

A nameless undescribe beauty from Minas Gerais. 

dyckia brevifolia var. subidensis, perfection on leaves.

This wonderful plant forms  clusters of small rosettes and it is found only at Subida where the Itajaí-açu River  runs in full speed amid gigantic rocks.
Subida, Apiúna,Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Apr 23, 2016

Nothing to compare with!!!

Once I welcomed an American guy.
Tall, bold, artist whose heart was Brazilian.
He lives In Santa Monica California.
He loves plants, Dyckias, Brazil.
He does speak Portuguese as finely as I do.
He brought from up North  some minimal, tiny Dyckia seedlings and said:
This is my work and I brought it to you.
My friend is Nels Christianson.
..and I loved him by the very first glance!

 This is as beautiful as jazz as impeccable as my friend....
Now this cute  small  jewel is about to bloom here by the very first time.
What special seeds!

Dyckia lindelvaldeae, smnall and cute and the largest scales on a Dyckia

My guiding star is a Dyckia, it just fell down on my garden

One early morning when my day was just dawning
I looked up gazing the skies and my guiding star was not there
Nowhere to be seen.
I was lost and alone bellow my useless sky till I looked down 
She was there, there on the ground....
My Dyckia, my beloved one is my fallen guiding star.