May 31, 2013

Dyckia hebdingii from Lageado Roxo-RS

Lageado Roxo is a stony Hill in Arroio dos Ratos- RS, South in Brazil...a magical place.


Dyckia hb Bill Paylen



Dyckia hb Bill Paylen, a Bill Baker masterpiece.


Dyckia braunii

Isn´t it lovely?


May 30, 2013

Dyckia braunii

This beauty here was found by a friend, a dear friend of mine north from Brasília our Federal capital city.
Notice the slender flower stalk and the black spines.
This is a rare plant with just one occurrence spot.
This one here is under cultivation in Mogi das Cruzes, close to São Paulo City.
The plant is in a very small pot an it looks happy.


May 26, 2013

I am leaving on a trip North.
I will be  visiting friends and plants and  I shall be absent from  my blog for  a few days.

I thank you for your company and I wish you were there with me.
Be blessed!


Sunday, May 26th   06:00am


Well, I am back home in Joinville, Santa Catarina since yesterday.
My trip was great and I could plan (and "plant") some others.
We shall visit Minas Gerais and some central parts in Brazil.
Also a new trip South is now being planned.
Thanks for you  attention!

May, 29th


May 24, 2013

Dyckia marnier-lapostollei Bill Baker´s clone...

Humm.... I think this is not even a Dyckia marnier-lapostollei.
One thing is sure: this is a real royal beauty!

Obs: There is quite a close relationsihp among Dyckia marnier-lapostollei  and some encholirium.
Some "dwarf" Dyckia marnier-lapostollei show central blooming habits.
This makes me wonder .....
Dyckia marnier -lapostollei has a wide wild range and present many differences amid its species but no marnier-lapostollei is dwarf, in fact they are big imposing plants.
We must know them better. i say: we´ve only just begun to know them all.



We´ve only just begun to know Dyckias!

This beauty comes from the extreme Southwest point of Bahia State in Brazil.
I do not see this as a Dyckia marnier-lapostollei.
I think this is a new species. This is an adult and also old plant.


Dyckia encholirioides (enraged!)



Dyckia excelsa!

Excelsa is Latin for high, exhorted.
Petals are kept protected by coriaceus (leather like) sepals this is to protect the flower from the high temperature and dryness. The flowers open at night. Bats are amid its pollinators.



Dyckia reitzii rubra
Today as the day was breaking in East...
The night was a rainny one.
Dyckia reitzii rubra gets much more colorful than this...


May 21, 2013

Dyckia incana, so little so cute.....

Dyckia incana

Flowering adult old plants.
They are so small and so cute, pure white ones.

Dyckia incana

Dyckia excelsa, what a beauty!



May 20, 2013

Dyckia marnier-lapostollei ?

I´ve got this as Dyckia marnier lapostollei but I have some consideration here.
The plant is said to have been found by Bill Baker or  taken to California from Brazil by him.
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei is found in many places in Central Brazil.
Many regional variations are found and known but all of them are at least four times larger than this plant is.
All Dyckia marnier-lapostllei are in fact imposing plants and not small ones.

This is an extremely beautiful plant and it well may be something else but marnier-lapostollei.

This plant  is a traveller.
It went from the heart of our Brazilian central highland to USA and from there it went to Southeast Asia and Japan before reaching Europe and getting back to where it belongs.

It made a fantastic journey around the globe, a globetrotter.

We´ve all only just begun to know Dyckias! 


Dyckia for the braves.

 ...for this is a big one!

Dyckia hb Bill Paylen

It reminds of Diamonds, they are forever as Dyckias are.


A Blue Bee! Here bees can be blue!


Dyckia estevesii blooms



May 19, 2013

Dyckia magnifica

This beauty from Southwest in Santa Catarina fathered Dyckia hb Liz Taylor.