May 15, 2020

Campo Alegre-Sant Catarina some 1000 meters high and 60km uphills from my house

Long ribbon-like bi-colored Dyckias. Yes, Dyckia monticola var. CampoAlegre.
Notice grasses, mosses, and lichens are ever present.

This is a rock covered by lichen. One can see Dyckias and some mosses too.
The terrain is rocky and facing North. North here is the suny direction.

another bi-colored beauty and this picture shows what Dyckias use to do. They catch fallen tree leaves and they make their own substrate richer.

Isn´t this beautiful?

An old clump.

What colors!

The landscape view from the Dyckia field. Not far away is ParanĂ¡ State borderline.
The horizon is in ParanĂ¡.


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