Dec 12, 2012

Dyckia hb Liz Taylor and Dyckia delicata type form

Dyckia hb Liz Taylor
Beautiful and young, these very same seeds were stolen from me by a guy who insists to say this is delicata and it pups. Delicatas do not pup!!!
This is the magnificent Dyckia hb Liz Taylor I made and it does pups! It is showing this by now
It is still  a young plant, all of them are young plants as there is not enough time passed to prduce a flowering one Liz Taylor plant . This sick minded and mean guy is always trying to get profits from me.
 Liz Taylor plants can be nicely red too and maybe even nicer and prettier than delicata plants.
Nobody knows the adult face of a Liz Taylor but for sure it is a tremendously beautiful plant.
That guy is so evil minded he never mention my name nor the authorship of those hybrids when he presents the plants.
I started selling seeds after that terrible episode. Before that I used to send out seeds for free to people around the world. What amazes me is to see people who got many seeds from me saying nothing and not a single word to this bastard. This makes me sad and assures me I have to sell the seeds I produce.
I am sorry to bring this issue here but this is the way I have to release my feelings and show you the way things are.This guy never had being to Brazil, maybe not even in his dreams let aside knowing anything consistent on Dyckia delicatas.

Below you see  a Dyckia delicata type.
It never, never pups. It divides crown into two new heads and that it it.

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