Dec 7, 2012

Dyckia gloriosa by night

This late afternoon  I repoted this beauty.
I had the Rene´s help, a neighbour and the friend who was with me when we found this beauty.
Repoting was a workful one.
The plan was not to disturb the plant, cut off the old leaves and old  floral stalks,
 remove all the weeds by their roots, save the gravel cover and lift the plant, using new fresh and rich substrate.
With time the plant feeds on the organic substrate and it diminishes its volume and the plant sunks in its pot.
First we took the pot, a huge ceramic basin to a more comfortable place, a shadowed one.
We are having a terrible heat wave these last days.
We cut off all the old dry leaves one by one with a long tweezers and an extra long scissors. We also cut off the remains of the old floral stems. Then we removed the weeds as some are always present. We lifted the basin by its side and let the gravel covering drain . We washed it and saved it for posterior utilization.
the plant was removed from the basin in a bulk without disturbing its root. We used a long  screwdriver as a lever and it worked wonderfully. On the bottom of the basin there was the drainage made of old cracked ceramic pots, we remove it and cleaned it.
We brushed the old basin with a steel brush, replaced the draining material, put new substrate and the plant was replaced in its throne and new substrate was used to complete any space. The washed  gravel was put in place as cover. The plant did not even sensed all this.....but will soon when its roots get into new fresh source of food.
Tomorrow I will take  day light pictures of our work.



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